- It is not allowed to create several accounts or to share one account with several persons; these accounts will be deleted without any warning.
- Before you make a new topic, check if there isn’t already a topic related to this subject.
- If you want to introduce yourself, do this in the “introduce yourself ”topic (which you can find under the header “general”)
- Please avoid using colors, blank or underlines more than necessary, those are kept for moderators
- It is not allowed to post pornographic material or to link to it.
- It is not allowed to post material that is in violation with copyrights or licenses.
- It is not allowed to post material that other users could experience as shocking.
- It is not allowed to spam.
- It is not allowed to make several successive posts in one topic; there’s an edit-button to change your last post.
- The maximum size for avatars is 150*150 pixels, please respect especially the width.
- The maximum size for linked pictures is 400*600 or 600*400 pixels. If it ’s not possible to reduce the picture to this size, you can post the link to it.
- The maximum number of characters in the signature is 150 with a maximum spread of 5 lines.
- The maximum size for linked pictures in the signature is about 600*50 pixels.
- Try to stay on topic as much as possible.
- Respect each other’s opinion and treat each other with respect.
- In case you have a problem with a certain user or topic, contact a moderator by means of a p.m.